Dyani White Hawk: Speaking to Relatives, interview with Sheila Regan

The influence of Indigenous aesthetics on abstract painting, material hierarchies, and retelling histories “Through her practice, Minnesota artist Dyani White Hawk brings Lakota artistic practices like bead and quill work into conversation with European and American abstract art lineages, tearing down hierarchies and offering new ways to understand the intersection of Western and Indigenous aesthetics.”

White Hawk receives 2021 Arts and Letters Awards in Art

Eleven awards of $10,000 each to honor exceptional accomplishment and encourage creative work. SUZANNE BOCANEGRA • LISA CORINNE DAVIS COCO FUSCO • SUZANNE JOELSON • THADDEUS MOSLEY AKI SASAMOTO • MING SMITH • ELIZABETH TUBERGEN MARIE WATT • DYANI WHITE HAWK • CARMEN WINANT New York, March 23, 2021—The American Academy of Arts and Letters announced today the 18 artists who will receive its 2021 awards in art. […]